Trying to avoid social media like Twitter, Facebook and blogs is as useless as trying to avoid consuming anything made with water. Okay, it may not be as hard as avoiding all water-based foods, but it is increasingly difficult to ignore the presence of social media in everyday life. Social media can get a bad rap, but for all its perceived negatives, when social media is used as a tool, it can be quite helpful.
You can take advantage of pros of social media by creating an online accountability group with your friends or and family. On Facebook, you can create a family challenge WEIGHT LOSS AND fitness page. You can make it a private, closed group on Facebook where members of your family can list their goals and report on their fitness and weight loss progress. The main goal of having this page is to motivate each other into getting and staying healthy. It's fun, challenging and a great way for you to keep each other accountable and in contact throughout this process, especially if your friends and family live in varying parts of the United States.
San Diego Boot Camps have been in the forefront of utilizing social media to inspire, enhance and inform the ladies of San Diego about the wonderful benefits that boot camp has to offer. You can learn about new workouts, exercise, fitness tips, nutrition tricks - all in easy and manageable pieces of information.
Other benefits of using social media include:
- Using websites (such as to track your calorie intake
- Learning more about healthy eating with online recipe site
- Sharing healthy, delicious recipes you find online
- Researching the internet to find free apps for your phone that do everything from track your calories to break down the nutritional content of your food
- Logging onto Facebook and checking in with your friends about your workouts and progress
- Easily sharing and linking to an article or blog post that you found beneficial or motivational
- Linking to YouTube workout routines to share new exercises with your friends
The next time you log onto the computer, think about how you can use all the internet has to offer to keep you on track with your heath and fitness goals. When you really start to think about it, you'll be amazed at how much you can enhance your current fitness routine with the help of social media.
Jaylin Allen is a local Fitness Trainer in San Diego known for getting her clients in shape in record time. If you're looking for a San Diego Boot Camp then be sure to check out her site or call 619.602.8087.
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