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Winning the Inner Game of Weight Loss Part 1

"There is always an inner game being played in your mind no matter what outer game you are playing. How aware you are of this game can make the difference between success and failure." - Tim Gallwey
I want to talk about winning the inner game of weight loss. Do you ever wonder how you'll be able to finally lose all the weight that you want to, as well as keep it off? Do you need a new diet plan? How about a "magic pill" or new "supplement" from "the jungles of Amazon"? New tools and techniques alone are not enough to help you achieve your desired results. No amount of training and knowledge can overcome the disempowering pull of your unconscious beliefs. Changing your experience is only possible if you're fully aware of your thoughts behind them. Look deeper to see what is blocking your progress and what can be done to beat these obstacles.
Your overall level of success in life depends on your ability to master your inner game. Your inner game is how you view yourself and the world at large. It is how effective you are in implementing your plans. What Tim Gallwey is referring to in the above-mentioned quote is recognizing the inner forces that are preventing you from achieving your full potential. You are born with tremendous abilities for achievement and growth in life. Unfortunately, there are boundaries and barriers everywhere you look. As you get older, you develop a negative self-image as well as a long list of things you can't do. You are prevented from reaching anywhere close to your full potential. Every time you try a new task or set a new goal, you get discouraged if you encounter even the slightest bit of difficulty. You get tired, frustrated, and bored by the whole process. Sometimes, you get stuck in your old ways of doing things, trapped in your negative self-image or by your assumptions about what others might think about you. You focus too much on what you can't do vs. what you can do.
For some, it's simply too much work. All the "secrets of success" will not work for you unless your inner and outer games work well together. Sometimes you can't recognize the fact that the sacrifices you are making are a means to your liberation - the freedom to achieve success and live on your own terms.
Sometimes you want to get to the "core" quickly. You want results, but you don't want to work for them. You don't realize that weight loss is a journey with many peaks and valleys, with many successes and failures. As long as you are diligent - and persist while taking actions - you will achieve your goals.
I want you to get a piece of paper and write down your current attitudes about weight loss. Ask yourself, "Am I a fat person that will always be fat?" Do you have unreasonable expectations of achieving weight loss quickly, without much effort? Do you feel powerless towards certain foods such as alcohol, chocolate, bread, or sweets? Do you feel that you have to suffer and deny yourself the pleasure of eating your favorite foods? Do you have a habit of making excuses or blaming others for your lack of progress? Do you fault your "slow metabolism", "fat genes", or "no time to exercise" for your current state of affairs? Is that belief serving you?
I am an internal medicine physician working in Sacramento, California for many years, helping people stay healthy. I am passionate about helping overweight and obese people achieve their weight loss goals. I am a Certified Transition Lifestyle coach specialized in achieving results for people that want to lose weight and keep it off for good. I help my students get healthy and fit while feeling younger with more energy to boot. I invites you to visit my site at for a free no obligation comprehensive evaluation to see if Healthy Lifestyle program is for you. Thank You.
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